
This year I’ve decided to make sure I do at least one sketch a day. I have chosen to do this to help build up my skills as well as the dedication needed to be an artist. This gallery is to show case all each day’s drawing together.

So check back each day as the gallery continues to grow 🙂

5 thoughts on “January

  1. I love this idea! But I’m so anal retentive about completing things … I may have to figure out a way to work in some sketching daily as well. Maybe getting past my intense desire to complete something would be a growing experience.

    • Thank you. It’s been a huge learning experience for me and not just skill wise.
      It’s a lot less intimidating for me knowing I’m sketching and not making final pieces of art. Some do turn into that but there’s not the pressure of it.

  2. I love this idea! I have started a small project kind of like this myself, Operation Doodle, where I draw anything I haven’t drawn before. I think this is good practice. Your drawings are really great!

    • Oh that sounds fun!! I struggle sometimes at choosing diverse subject matter. I like to challenge muskeg and do knew things but I also like to hone my skill drawing specific subject matter.

      I look forward to seeing your stuff 🙂

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